By Raymond Gillespie. Launched by Colmán Ó Clabaigh OSB. This is a recreation of the social history of both a building and the communities that used it from the medieval world to the recognisably modern one. All welcome.
A night of music featuring the Schola Cantorum, Ignite Gospel Choir, and visiting choir Coro Armonia from Salerno, Italy €10 on the door, in aid of the Schola Cantorum
Come enjoy a concert in the surrounds of Galway's medieval church €10 at the door- covers concert, coffee, and baked goods In aid of our own Schola Cantorum
This concert series has been curated around the idea of flourishing, as humans, as an organisation, and as an orchestra. The term is taken from positive psychology and relates to development, accomplishment, growth, and positivity. The pieces of music we have chosen illustrate flourishing in several ways, that of music developing from quartets to become […]
Free talk celebrating 100 years of University Archaeology in Galway Dr. Paddy Gleeson 'Religion and belief in early Ireland: later Prehistoric ritual and cult at Ireland's royal landscapes in context.'
Grand Rapids Chorus - Sweet Adelines is a group of women singers, who meet regularly to rehearse, learn, perform, and have fun. We currently have over 60 members of all ages and all walks of life. This fantastic chorus has been singing for audiences in Michigan, and all over the world, since 1951. The Grand Rapids Chorus, […]
The second of the Autumn series of Coffee Concerts features Helen Hancock (soprano) and Ramin Haghjoo (piano). To find out more about Helen go to: Come enjoy a concert in the surrounds of Galway's medieval church €10 at the door- covers concert, coffee, and baked goods In aid of our own Schola Cantorum