The Parish Choir is an adult ensemble of up to twenty-four voices and as the principal choir of St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church is one of Galway’s most established musical institutions. The choir sings regularly at the Sunday morning parish Eucharist and also sings Evensong termly. The special services of Advent, Christmas, Holy Week and Easter have become highlights of the choir’s programme, together with occasional visits to other churches and cathedrals around Ireland.
The Parish Choir is open to all, giving adult singers from a wide variety of backgrounds, nationalities and experience the opportunity to sing an eclectic range of liturgical music every week. Tuition in sight singing and vocal production is a regular part of choir membership, giving those less experienced singers valuable help in acquiring the necessary skills. The choir’s repertoire ranges from medieval plainsong through sixteenth-century polyphony to Russian Orthodox chants and African freedom songs. Choir members come from all creeds, walks of life and corners of the globe. At present, its ranks include people from England, Germany, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria, Uganda, the USA, and of course Ireland!
If you would like to join the Parish Choir, contact the Organist [here] who will be delighted to meet with you and discuss membership. Although there is no formal audition process to join the choir, a short vocal assessment will enable you to be placed suitably within the Choir and the training programme.
The choir does not meet for a separate weekly rehearsal, but instead meets on Sundays at 09.30 to rehearse for the 11.00 Sung Eucharist. There are occasional weekend workshops to rehearse music for special services. A comprehensive date list for each term is issued well in advance to assist planning.
All music and robes are provided, and there is no cost to membership. All you need is a diary free of Sunday morning commitments, a reliable alarm clock and a pair of sensible black shoes!