Our Liturgical Plan

The church is a work of faith, and a sign of faith. It is where God gathers his people together to be present among them. 

The sheer stupendous quantity of the love of God which this ever-repeated action has drawn from the obscure Christian multitudes through the centuries is in itself an overwhelming thought.

Dom Gregory Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy.
This ancient site has been a place of worship even before our current church was completed in 1320. For millennia, the people of Galway have met here for spiritual sustenance and guidance.

Now more than ever before, we warmly welcome all to our services, regardless of background. Here you will find a friendly community, rooted in the rhythm of prayer and music that is at the heart of the Anglican liturgical tradition, and united in their beautiful diversity. We celebrate that diversity within our Eucharistic tradition, bringing together all the people of God gathered around the altar every Sunday.

Over the period 2019-2022, the St Nicholas’ community engaged in a series of discussions and layout trials, to better understand our liturgical needs and how best to express and meet them in the configuration of the church interior. 

 In order for this encounter to be as meaningful as possible, and for us, who gather in this place as the people of God, to be nourished and in turn to nourish others, St Nicholas’ aspires to liturgy that bears three hallmarks:

Liturgy that is attractive

Offering a warm welcome to all who cross the threshold of the church, regardless of who they are or why they may be choosing to enter the building; Aspiring to dignity and beauty in music, language, movement and materials, so that these things may speak of the transcendent and immanent beauty of God.

Liturgy that is participative

Creating a physical space in which all present feel a sense of community, can participate easily, and are able to see and hear clearly those who lead and preside; Providing liturgical music that allows us all, within the work of the liturgy, to contribute as well as receive; Reaching out to all ages by preserving the very best of the Anglican tradition alongside contemporary liturgical expressions.

Liturgy that is inculturated

Shaped by, and respectful of, the historic fabric of the church itself; Reflective of the city, region and nation, and inclusive of all members of the diverse community of Galway; Relevant, topical, and responsive to what is going on in God’s world.
St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Lombard St, Galway, H91 PY20
Opening Hours:

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat 10 a.m.–5.30 p.m.
Wed 12 p.m.– 5.30 p.m.
Closed Sat, Sun

Last admission 30 mins prior. Please note we occasionally close earlier due to events or parish services.
Email: info@stnicholas.ie Phone: + 353 89 489 8084
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